Healthy&Diet&Recipe Why Am I Always Hungry? 5 Reasons Why You’re Always Hungry > Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe

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Healthy&Diet&Re… | Why Am I Always Hungry? 5 Reasons Why You’re Always Hungry


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Healthy&Diet&Re…님의 Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


feeling hungry all the time if you
answered yes to this question you are
not the only one in fact most of us have
gone through this constant hunger phases
that make us feel like we literally have
an empty stomach keep watching me
because in this video I've listed five
reasons why you still feel hungry even a
short time after you ate number one you
have a fast metabolism we all know that
guy or gal to eat double or triple the
amount of food others eat and
yesterday's clinica toothpick some
people are indeed very blunt to Mitch
regarding follow fashion tabloids and
the useful for preventing extra fat
storage it required extra amounts of
fuel to work and yes you guessed it that
fuel comes from the food you eat a study
has shown that 32 percent of the people
have slower or higher metabolism than
the average person and hunger problems
are no wonder to be people number two
you eat a lot of processed foods
processed foods that are extra rich in
carbohydrates and sugars like white
bread cooking pies pasta sweets because
of sudden spike on our server levels
this sugar has been converted into very
short life and energy but afterwards the
energy drop and you end up feeling
hungrier than you were before refined
sugar is probably the number one culprit
behind energy crashes and hunger
afterwards so you better avoid its
regular consumption number 3 hormonal
issues women to experience hormonal
issues with PMS thyroid problems and
diabetes are more prone to hunger than
those who don't for example when your
thyroid hormone levels are abnormally
high you will burn calories faster
will lead to hunger spikes diabetes also
bear the same effect if you suspect this
is the cause of your constant hunger
issues for happy time visit a doctor and
get your hormone level checked number
four you don't sleep enough we all live
in a very busy world and sadly many
don't have the privilege to sleep eight
hours a day what this does though apart
from other obvious health issues is that
the hormone leptin which makes us feel
gratified can't be releasing sufficient
amounts and in its place the hormone
Gael run is release which sends hunger
signals to our brain and we are tempted
to eat more than what we need to number
you're obsessed some people are so
expensive and food habits and weight of
diet trends but all the things is what
they're going to eat next what this does
though is tricking your brain that you
are hungry often when you actually are
not there actually a p-wave deal with it
healthy distraction by going for a walk
with indie music or playing game will
help keep your brain occupied for longer
so you don't think of food all the time
and if you are looking for a natural
weight loss solution I recommend you
click the link in the description www
serious fitness programs comm backslash
weight-loss and if you like this video
please give it a thumbs up and subscribe
and share it with your friends on
Facebook and Twitter and Google+
thank you for watching and see you next

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