K-pop issue Kang Daniel’s Aplogy to his Fans, KPOP Hardcore Fandom Culture > K-POP issue

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K-pop issue | Kang Daniel’s Aplogy to his Fans, KPOP Hardcore Fandom Culture


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twice's geo konda챰챰a and their agencies
all admitted that they're in love and
open about their relationship from then
on while many fans have expressed their
wish to celebrate their love affair and
continue a good relationship some Korean
fans especially con Daniel's fans seem
to be shocked they got angry that geo
was invited to his house on the day of
the showcase fans say they've been
saving their pocket money to buy his
album to make his debut by voting hard
for a pretty long time but they've been
deceived now there are a growing number
of postings on Korean internet sites
such as I just throwed can Daniel album
away I won't support him anymore Khun
Danai posted an apology letter on his
official fan cafe at night worrying
about the fans negative reactions hello
I'm Kang Tanja first of all I'm so sorry
to all of you who might have been
surprised by the sudden news this
I guess I haven't been able to get hold
of anything all day but I'm afraid I'm
coming too late I'm sorry I couldn't
tell you about it in advance and I'm
going to leave these stories in this
place that's going to overflow with you
and my stories so many things happen
before I was able to do what I'm doing
today sometimes I was really tired but
it wasn't anything else that grabbed me
I really want to tell you the story
thank you very much for sending me the
love and support that I can stand up in
a cafe even filled with a lot of photos
of me or a big message of support for
you at the subway station hiding your
patience and frustration even when
you're having a hard time with
speculative long hours of pain and
malicious intent that you cannot see me
whenever I went to a cafe or a subway
station to capture your love with my
eyes or while preparing this album and
create a record that I didn't dare have
I got a lot of comfort and hope from you
it's my responsibility and what I want
to do to help those fans I will be the
a singer who shows a good performance as
he always thought was the most important
thing I've received enough from my fans
I'm grateful I'll try to give you more
than that tomorrow will be better than
today's caldonia thank you very much for
being with me
why is caldonia criticized more when
there are so many fans cheering for geo
in the case of geo she followed the
agency's three years dating band policy
and she was faithful through a role as a
leader of the team and never neglected
her job on the other hand Kangana is
just starting a solo career
haven't proved the skills enough yet
fans who have been enthusiastically
rooting for his solo debut are turning
their backs one by one few hours after
the relationship was confirmed Condon
airs official fancafe issued a statement

then representative stated that they
will support containers choice but he
already seems to lost quite a large
number of his fans more and more fans
seem disappointed because there was also
a scandal with Korean female rapper Yuki
dumped last year let's take a look at
the comments from Korean fans together

twice's fancafe
also issued a statement it was so short
simple and hilarious twice fans
celebrated Chiho and humorously dealt
with this situation as such the
temperatures between the two fandoms are
too different the Korean hardcore fandom
culture that existed since 1990s when
the first generation idols was first
born certainly helped the development of
this k-pop industry but it's also true
that the side effects are keep arising
together what do you think I wonder what
you think about this idol fan culture

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