K-pop issue GOT7 Jackson in Danger? Hong Kong Outrage Targets Jackson > K-POP issue

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K-pop issue | GOT7 Jackson in Danger? Hong Kong Outrage Targets Jackson


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fans of got7 have long waited in
excitement for their Hong Kong concert
dates on August 31st and September first
but a sudden turn of political events is
making this hard Hong Kong protests for
Democratic freedom now made fans ask JYP
entertainment to cancel the schedules in
Hong Kong fans fear for the safety of
their group due to the increasing
outrage by Hong Kong citizens towards
Hong Kong born member Jackson Wang the
outrage follows his recent Weibo update
in which he joined CCTVs China Central
Television z' nationalists
the five star red flag has one point
four billion Guardians and stated that
he's also a guardian of the Chinese flag
the posting implies the principle that
Hong Kong Taiwan and Macau are in China
and that China is the only legitimate
government although Jackson is from Hong
he showed us support to China through
cheering and posting Chinese flags on
social media over the past couple months
Hong Kong has been greatly affected by
multiple protests against a bill that
would allow its citizens to be
extradited from Hong Kong to stand trial
in Communist Party controlled courts in
mainland China the CCTV campaign was put
into motion after a number of Hong Kong
protesters threw the chinese flags into
victoria harbour as a symbol of their
wish for independence from china during
a protest on August 3rd many Hong Kong
citizens are interpreting him joining
this campaign as ham turning his back on
his roots and taking mainland China's
side in this dispute all for Chinese
Fame and money they also perceive him
still keeping Hong Kong's area code in
his Instagram account name is mockery
after having found multiple concerning
online comments by Hong Kong fans like
sharing the group's flight information
calling Jackson a communist Pig and
talking about detaining him while
tearing his Chinese flag to shreds in
front of him many international fans are
now hoping JYP will take action and
cancel the concert to ensure the members
safety on the other hand many
fans are concerned that canceling the
concert would only damage the group's
image in Hong Kong further conflicts
between China and Hong Kong are becoming
extremely emotional lei a Chinese member
of the group EXO has terminated a model
deal with Chinese company because
Samsung labelled Hong Kong as a separate
country on their website and lei was
also one of the models of Samsung you
will also remember an incident three
years ago in which twice members oohing
was heavily criticised by Chinese fans
were waving the Taiwanese flag in a
program called my little television in
South Korea this shows how sensitive
China is on this issue like the case of
twice as Japanese members were suffering
from conflicts between Korea and Japan
the harsh conflicts between China and
Hong Kong is also affecting Idol members
from other countries Hong Kong has been
staging massive protests even their
airports stopped all the flights due to
the safety matters we have always argued
that the political matters and
celebrities should be totally separated
but this time we have to wait and see
what will happen to the celebrity who
showed his political stance hoping
everyone stays safe what are your
thoughts on this complicated issue

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