K-pop issue Why BTS ARMY all over the world are ANGRY now? > K-POP issue

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K-pop issue | Why BTS ARMY all over the world are ANGRY now?


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actually I was worried about making this
video because it's a socially sensitive
issue but for the development of the pop
market as well as BTS the time has come
for the army to strongly speak out so I
decided to make this video YouTube ten
billion views speech and United Nations
all concert seats sold out around the
world BTS is making history the for BTS
no one thought this would be possible
but they made a miracle their
performance gave hope not only to other
Korean singers but also to all the
artists and non-english speaking
countries anyone who has searched for
BTS for even ten minutes no three
minutes would be surprised by their
impact on the world but why isn't BTS
recognized by the mainstream American
music scene why can't they be treated
equally with their fellow artists are
they discriminating against BTS or are
they afraid of the success of BTS
today's topic is the issue of racism at
the MTV Awards ceremony please share
this video so that people who are not
fans can also see what's going on here
on August 26
MTV Video Music Awards were held in
Prudential Center in New Jersey u.s.
it's the place where BTS had a 2017
wings tour and a love yourself tour in
2018 it must be a familiar place that
the Army's no well however MTV poured
cold water on the fans who were looking
forward to the award ceremony MTV added
a new award category named best kpop on
August 19 a week before the ceremony
they put BTS in the k-pop category and
competed with other k-pop artists for
the prize armies were shot at this
situation we couldn't find BTS anywhere
even in the candidates for MTV's main
awards artist of the year
push artists of the ear best pop song
song of the ear
despite BTS is remarkable achievements
they are still definitely treating them
as strangers armies went furious and
started to send mentions on MTV's
Twitter accounts
MTV's intention is simple and clear
MTV didn't even give BTS a chance to
compete with other pop singers they
wanted to take advantage of the fame of
BTS but don't want to acknowledge them
as mainstream so they created a new
category of kpop and afforded a formal
word to BTS so they wouldn't be able to
compete with other pop artists didn't
they expect this to provoke the anger of
fans Korean armies are also showing
furious reactions towards MTV

this kind of racism on MTV also happened
before they didn't nominate the mega hit
songs Esposito which rocked the world in
2017 MTV said the spasibo was not
nominated because it was in Spanish and
did not appear on the main US Channel
why did it matter that even Americans
were all singing the song making
numerous English versions do you really
think this is about the language issue
Newsweek reporter Janice Williams wrote
an article questioning MTV she mentioned
bts's boy with love record at seventy
four point six million views in 24 hours
since it was released that's an
overwhelming number even compared to
Taylor Swift and ariana grande artist of
the ear can be changed depending on the
perspective but video of the ear already
has the objective data the highlight of
this article is in the last part
she sent MTV an email asking why BTS
wasn't a candidate for VMA but she still
hasn't received an answer yet
watching psy Gangnam style's music video
when the video of the Year award in 2012
making a global sensation non-english
singers went wild together from then on
everyone thought language and race were
not important in music
however MTV is clearly discriminating
non-english artists and negatively
affecting the music market around the
world the new generation of music is
coming MTV should abandon this
conservative attitude and embrace
foreign singers in the future there will
be more opportunities to see non-english
foreign stars in the u.s. entertainment
industry will MTV create new categories
for their own countries all the time
hopefully the controversy will help MTV
and pop market to mature further

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