K-pop issue SASAENGs Spoiled BTS’ Vacation, ARMYs Getting Blamed > K-POP issue

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K-pop issue | SASAENGs Spoiled BTS’ Vacation, ARMYs Getting Blamed


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here are the photos of Chi Minh taken by
an unknown BTS fan in France Chi Minh
seems to be enjoying this vacation
happily while traveling to Paris but the
moment when the fan uploaded pictures of
Jimin on Twitter
countless armies around the world went
furious armies asked her to delete the
photos right away and criticized the
woman for being imprudent what made the
Army's so angry
who the hell is ruining PTSS vacation
today's topic is about settings the
people who are the biggest enemies of
k-pop idols and entertainment companies
let's find out what stupid things
they've committed and what should we do
to stop them if you are interested in
BTS or kpop you must have heard the word
tossing fan once tossing pan refers to
fans stocking their favorite idols and
violating idols privacy's they follow
BTS everywhere they go to the run BTS
filming place together they reserve
seats on the plane next to BTS when they
have schedules abroad they even approach
and take pictures of the sleeping BTS
members once a sizing fan who was on the
same plane with Jimin posted a photo on
Twitter she was licking the toilet
saying Jimin just came out of the
bathroom okay what for these crazies
hustling fans BTS members and bighead
entertainment have consistently
expressed anger Suga one's filmed the
faces of his threatening fans on the
phone and warned them to stop tails
response was similar to sugars the green
clothes sussing fan hides behind when
Taeyang tried to shoot her she doesn't
seem to know she's committing a crime
sauce eggs create their own chat rooms
and share information with each other
about where BTS members are now as BTS
is the most popular groove tutting fans
are surprisingly persistent and
organized they know all about the flight
schedules of BTS the hair shops they go
to and which hotel the members will show
they sometimes buy and sell this
information for each other we can see
how serious this problem is it was on
Jay hopes birthday on February 18th last
year that this housing issue of BTS
spread widely fans were surprised while
watching the real live streaming of BTS
the door behind the members opened and
suddenly a woman's head appeared on
Twitter the woman said she was shutting
and is now next to the hotel room of BTS
with three other people even though big
head always say they consider the safety
as the top priority and they usually
borrow the entire floor of the hotel
every time Army's were angry that BTS is
keep on exposed and unsafe situations
housings are now chasing after BTS
members on vacation bighead asked fans
before BTS is vacation by saying this
vacation will provide BTS with the
chance to enjoy the ordinary lives of
the young people in their 20s should you
have a chance to encounter with the
member of BTS while they are on vacation
we ask that you show consideration for
their need to rest and enjoy their
private time off but those words are not
kept at all just in the case of Jimin
who was photographed in Paris as we said
earlier you can see how much this
promise is not being kept some people
might ask what's so big about seeing
celebrities and taking pictures but it
should not be overlooked that it can be
a huge threat and burden to idols
because it makes them nervous while
taking pictures puts the photos of them
on SNS with location information and
exposes his position to others housings
Army's concerns for Jimin is not
exaggerated at all on July 4th Jimin was
spotted at tong diamond design Plaza in
Korea do you remember he went out for a
nights walk and bought the cookie he
tried to enjoy his own time quietly but
ended up being photographed by his
housing the news quickly spread among
Koreans housing fans and they ran
straight to DDP hoping that they might
be able to see and speak to gym in there
how did Jimin feel then what the chimin
think of having to hide all the time and
leave the place as soon as he was
exposed to the fans I understand fans
must be so curious where BTS members are
now and who they're with we all want to
know where BTS members are now and what
they're doing but when you try to find
out all the personal lives of an idols
likes housings that will put the idols
you love in serious danger
K armies were very angry because it was
the time when BTS just finished the
world tour schedules and came back to
Korea Korean fans feel disgust at those
people because most of them experienced
the long history of settings let's
briefly look at their reactions
armies are being criticized because of
some extremes housing fans we need a
more mature fan culture think about the
manners that Army's showed in Mexico and
Brazil they also want to run to BTS but
they were on the line to make sure not
to harm or threat the members they love
some thoughtless fans should follow and
learn that the more they love BTS the
more they have to let the members go
BTS once said the closer you get the
more you need things like respect
I hope BTS won't suffer from some fans
in the future

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