K-pop issue Halsey Protected BTS from RUDE Talk Show Host! #ProtectBTS > K-POP issue

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K-pop issue | Halsey Protected BTS from RUDE Talk Show Host! #ProtectBTS


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here's Halsey in a talk-show host when a
man asks the question Halsey answered it
and it seemed like a friendly atmosphere
however from some point on her face got
stiff she looked at the host as if she
doesn't like him she continued to call
her picture books and started answering
questions without even looking at him
she ended up saying one thing that
surprised a man BTS fans who watched the
videos said they were very pleased with
the response what happened between
Halsey and the host on this day Halsey
was on British radio Capital FM's quiz
face however the host does not show up
on time after sitting alone and waiting
for a long time
of course Halsey doesn't seem to like
the situation finally the host appeared
it was a bit late but it was okay now
the interview started but there was a
problem this host didn't know who hell's
he was he didn't even know the name of
the person he should interview and was
barely able to call her name long after
searching his cue card Halsey tried not
to express her bad feelings then the man
asked her questions about BTS he was
curious about which member she likes the
most during the collaboration with BTS
Halsey answered after thinking for a
while it's different every day
I like all the members equally they are
very special to me
palsies thoughtful answer made Army's
hearts warm but at this time the host
picked up the BTS picture book on the
floor and told her to color it hard
faced Halsey started coloring and kept
on answering questions without looking
at the host the mass next question
offended BTS fans what is not the
acronym for BTS tell me anything Halsey
answered big time sad and he said there
should be one more put in the word bad
and make the another one Halsey then
brushed off the rude host by saying bad
talk-show host the host stammered
for a moment seem to be embarrassed and
then moved on to the next question he
even threw the cue sheet away probably
to make the atmosphere better palsies
interview spread rapidly through SNS and
many people started to argue about the
situation there were some people who
said her answer was cool but some said
ha Z's reaction was too much however her
reaction is not unusual BTS has long
been ridiculed by people for their group
name so BTS members and armies are
sensitive to issues about the names and
healthy must have noticed about it in
both Korea and the US there've been
people who are always teasing and
laughing with the name BTS ponton is
introduced RM once even said he was
embarrassed to explain the meaning of
the group's name because of these people
at the beginning of his debut show hosts
word to put bad in the name BTS was
clearly meant to draw up a hot issue
halsy who has always said she's a friend
and a fan of BTS read the show hosts
intentions perfectly how did Army's all
over the world react to this video they
praised Halsey sense of humor and
revealed that they began to love her
even more

this is not the only time Hosie has
expressed loves of BTS fans
she has been informing BTS to MCS who do
not yet understand BTS in May Halsey
appeared in I Heart Radio with BTS at
this time
Elvis Duren asked the question to BTS
fans which member ruins BTS choreography
some fans in the audience shouted RM and
Jin's names and BTS members seem to be
pretty embarrassed
the next day Elvis Geron met Halsey and
another program and told her that BTS
fans were angry because of his wrong
question palsy told him you're not the
reason why they're angry they were angry
because some rude fans hurt the two
members and cleared the
she continued army loves you in
iHeartRadio they will thank you in this
station for being interested in BTS she
correctly read the Army's mind and
exactly told him what they wanted to
sing RM once said that this is why BTS
got a collaboration with Halsey we are
not in a business relationship we are
true friends who really care for each
other so far BTS seem to be not treated
well and fair in the mainstream US
broadcasting industry due to his
perception of being a boyband from the
whenever Halsey appears on the show and
talks about BTS she tries to open the
hearts of the broadcaster's by saying in
the positions of BTS and Army's
countless armies are moved by such
efforts and are constantly supporting
her there are a lot of artists who want
to work with the Super rising star BTS
among them there must be a clear reason
for BTS to hold Hall Z's hang her
sincerity toward BTS moved army as well
the friendship bracelet between BTS and
how Z is well known I hope their
friendship will not change forever like
the diamond in their bracelets

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