K-pop issue G-Dragon Suffering from Depression? His Hidden Message on Instagram > K-POP issue

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K-pop issue | G-Dragon Suffering from Depression? His Hidden Message on Instagram


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on October 1st a series of photos were
uploaded on BIGBANG g-dragon's Instagram
account what caught the people's eyes
was a topless photo of himself this is a
captured photo of his concert tour video
that was released two years ago below
the photo there is writing that seems to
be written by himself it's not the end
of the world without you let the world
turn without you don't take yourself too
seems like words spoken to himself it
also seems like a self pledge to not
fall into some kind of superstar self
ego there are people who interpret this
writing as his new preparation to start
working in the entertainment business
again as he only has one month till the
discharge from his mandatory military
service some fans say he's feeling a lot
of emptiness in his life recently there
are also people who say the current
falling status of yg is making GD
painful why did he repost the photos
from two years ago
he also posted a piece of paper with the
cloth drawn on it on the paper it was
written tom is on our side so don't be
too anxious looking at what he thinks of
time we are able to read a small portion
of his mind
yung Gonzaga who he thought of as a
father has given up his position at yg
signe of BIGBANG has retired from the
entertainment business because of many
scandals t.o.p was involved in drug
crime and TASM had gone through hard
times to accusations of prostitution
business undergone in his building
currently besides tang and GD the other
members seemed not be able to do any
music work in Korea at least for a few
years he's tried to overcome the current
times of hardship through thinking Tom
will solve everything this pain would
eventually be forgotten it seems clear
that he is in a lot of agony due to the
recent happenings and pressure a lot of
people online are making predictions
such as he will continue on his solo
career or make a new album with tail
just like the song good boy there are
high expectations on him after he
finishes his military service as he has
already shown his capabilities as a solo
artist through many songs actually many
k-pop fans call him kpop king GD has
always expressed his thoughts and
emotions through photos with English
writings he once posted that he wishes
to hide in a place where he feels
relaxed from all the spotlights he
receives as a superstar
you might also well know that GD has
always craved for a personal space of
his own a place where cannot be seen to
others probably that's one of the
reasons why he lives in such a high
secured place in Galleria 4a do you
remember when his private Instagram
account was hacked the personal space he
could enjoy privacy have become intruded
and exploited by the hacker in the
process the photo of Nana Komatsu his
lover was also embroiled in a
controversy GD has once expressed his
spirit lessness that he doesn't know
what to do anymore as his
only route of communicating with friends
in private was hacked
he became happy after being successful
at an early age as a leader of legendary
k-pop group Big Bang however as a human
being Quan Jun a deep shadow has been
there with him all the time as all
superstars do
there are times of wariness because they
have to tailor themselves to the
public's eyes everything they say
everything they do the photos and
English writings are probably the only
expression he could make to the public
now GD is about to have a new start
after completing his military service
wouldn't it be better if we cheer for
him so that we could see him brighter
I hope g-dragon recovers from these hard
times and show the fans good music once

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