K-pop issue SAUDI ARMYs made Jimin Cry... #HappyBirthdayJimin > K-POP issue

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K-pop issue | SAUDI ARMYs made Jimin Cry... #HappyBirthdayJimin


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the BTS concert at King Fahd stadium
which was a dream for Sally Army's ended
successfully BTS received great support
and attention even before they came to
Saudi Arabia and even Riyadh the capital
of Saudi Arabia greeted BTS with purple
colors especially it was really
beautiful to see Kingdom tower the
symbol of Riyadh shining and purple
Korean fans were also very surprised by
Saudi Arabia's enthusiastic welcome to
BTS as k-pop singers went to other
countries to be treated as state guests
about 30 thousand armies spent three
hours they would never forget especially
when BTS is song boy with love started
female audiences in abaya got up from
their seats and danced together until
just two years ago dancing in public
places was taboo in Saudi Arabia but in
front of BTS neither strict religious
laws nor acquired conservative customs
were from no use a Saudi man who
participated in the concert said it's
the first time I see it I think
teenagers have become happier and
open-minded it's amazing with this
thumbs up also teenage female fans said
it's unbelievable
that the world's best boy group is in
Saudi Arabia and they know about our
culture Saudi Arabia has a large fan
base that likes Korea I live in here but
I know everything was going on in Korea
she said with a smile the highlight of
the concert was at the end
Saudi Army's and the members prepared a
surprise event to celebrate jimin's
birthday chin started the birthday song
in Arabic and other members joined Jimin
who didn't know Arabic was seen to be
embarrassed by the song that suddenly
started and when he heard his name Park
Jimin he was really surprised with the
words oh is it for me Jimin was
impressed by the surprise event and he
didn't know what to do she soon ran
around the stage and expressed his joy
and thanks to
everyone Jimin said I didn't know that
I've forgotten my birthday because I was
only thinking about this concert I'm
just so happy and it's happier birthday
to be with the members and you guys
after jimin's comment Jin told Jimin
that the members had rehearsal for this
and made everyone laugh
kei armies were impressed by Saudi
armies and the members who worked hard
to celebrate Jimin surprise birthday
some Korean fans who worried about
having Saudi concerts for safety reasons
seemed to be moved by this sincere heart
of Saudi armies the love for the members
gave them a chance to feel the same in
every country Jimin said lastly I'm
really happy that we are here with you
thanks to you guys I could feel again
that there are a lot of people
supporting us so I won't forget about
today and I'll try harder to repay you
and show you a good performance further
many fans were worried about Jimin
because he had been suffering from
rumors and housings since BTS began
their long vacation some people even
expected Jimin might get out of the
group for a while like choices Minah
because he couldn't take enough rest but
his schedules after the break was so
tough fans were relieved to see his
bright smile at the concert Army's are
really helping him a lot
October 13th when this video is uploaded
is Jimmy's birthday in Korean time
perhaps he returned from Saudi Arabia to
have a personal break and he will be
having a tougher and more meaningful
birthday than ever before I hope he'll
recharge his energy and get enough rest
in his birthday

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