K-pop issue How Shawn Mendes Think of BTS? What will Happen to them in 2020? > K-POP issue

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K-pop issue | How Shawn Mendes Think of BTS? What will Happen to them in 2020?


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the friendship between Shawn Mendes and
BTS is already well-known in Mal fans
especially Jimmy's love for Shawn Mendes
is very special when he first met Shawn
at the AMAs Jimin was surprised and kept
on saying he's too handsome as soon as
he left later in the interview he also
made fans laugh by gesturing that he was
in love with Shawn Shawn also said in an
interview BTS members are the most
beautiful men I've ever seen I didn't
know humans could be so beautiful how
did they meet and how did they get close
let's check it out today

BTS is currently the busiest people on
the planet it's not easy to contact them
no specific discussion has been made yet
but a collaboration will take place I
Sean has previously revealed plans to
collaborate with BTS in several
interviews Shawn Mendes and BTS is
collaboration the combination of these
artists may seem a bit unfamiliar to
fans then let's go back to where their
friendship first began it was at the
backstage of the AMAs award ceremony in
November 2017
since BTS was just a rising star in the
United States RM once said he was
surprised that Shawn Mendes already knew
BTS Shawn first approached the members
and said I saw you guys's video it was
so cool later on Shawn recalled that he
was impressed by the huge bright energy
even though he only met them briefly
during the awards ceremony he then began
receiving many questions about BTS and
interviews when he was asked how he got
to know them
Shawn confessed that he watched PTSS
music video over and over again because
he was so shocked saying their dance
moves are as accurate as Roberts and
couldn't believe how humans can dance
like that this was a time when BTS was
not yet fully known in the States and
was treated differently from their
fellow singers because they were from
Asia however Shawn thanked BTS members
for their amazing talent in the
interview armies were impressed by
Shawn's remarks and support of BTS his
talent without prejudice and hope their
friendship would lead to musical
exchange they are still communicating
through SNS BTS recommended Shawn's new
song in my blood on their official
Twitter account and town came out on the
air and sang this song himself Shawn
later said in the interview that he
watched the video he praised Tam's vocal
for being so good and thanked him for
promoting his new song their friendship
makes everyone happy even those who are
not the fans of both artists as Shawn
said no specific date has been said but
the collaboration will surely happen can
we see them together in 2020 do you guys
want their collaboration I think I can
hear fans shouting already

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