K-pop issue Why are Male Fans Crazy about BTS Jimin? Once you Jim-IN, You Can't Jim-OUT! > K-POP issue

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K-pop issue | Why are Male Fans Crazy about BTS Jimin? Once you Jim-IN, You Can'…


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sometimes at the shooting scenes and
also at the concerts there are people
who out power the voices of female fans
those are the voices of Timon's male
fans when they shout out I love you with
their deep voices timin replies with the
rather shy smile what charms make even
the male fans fall for Timnath why'd the
male fans especially like jimin out of
all BTS members

there has to be something there are many
charming male celebrities around the
world but why does Chi Minh attract male
fans more until now there has been
numbers of male celebrities who revealed
there were fans of Chi Minh soccer
player hummus Rodriguez from Colombia
tweeted through their club account to
celebrate Chi Minh's birthday also uming
Joon a male idol from China is known to
be another big fan of Chi Minh the
famous Hollyd director Gus Van Sant
also said that he would like to shoot a
movie with Chi Minh as the main cast
many famous YouTube stars are joining
this list according to gala a Korean
opinion poll company jimin's popularity
to Korean male teenagers ranked up the
second place which is even higher than
that of jennie-o flat pink to the male
20s women took the 5th place right after
I you Jenny Irene and Naya if you don't
know well about Chi Minh's
such poor results might seem odd what
kind of person is he to receive so much
love even from the male fans too many
people say Chi Minh's dancing is a big
factor he's well known for his beautiful
dance lines as he studied dancing since
young and passed for Busan High School
of Arts put top marks watching him dance
really takes you in that episode beauty
when his dance starts we tend to forget
if Chi Minh is a male or a female this
is because of his thin body and delicate
moves maybe it's natural for him to have
such many male fans it's our basic
instincts to be attracted to beauty no
matter masculine or feminine Jimin also
has exceptional abilities to understand
dancing so he's said to have raised the
idol choreography to the level of modern
dancing for these reasons perhaps his
dancing cam videos reached top views
every time they're uploaded if someone
asks who is Jimin how is he popular even
two male fans
let's show them Jimin two stage video
another factor is as unexpected charms
many people say that from jimin's face
they feel a sense of sexiness and
cuteness at the same time it's quite
difficult for one person to have these
two contrasting charms
jimin's face seems very young but both
mature as well since blood sweat and
he has showed many mature images and now
he's the sexy icon of male idols before
the comeback he lost weight with
desperate efforts to look good as the
baby fat melted away his true potential
charms start to burst out now there are
more and more male fans applauding for
male idols in the past these kind of
actions were somehow laughed and ignored
however now the fandom culture is more
open-minded and there are many fans of
both genders it's natural for male fans
to like male idols could we really
define a person's charms within a
certain gender I hope there are more
male fans that recognize the charms of
Chi Minh in the future

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