K-pop issue Why did BTS RM Buy his AirPods 34 Times? > K-POP issue

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K-pop issue | Why did BTS RM Buy his AirPods 34 Times?


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last month on the 14th leader of pts RM
had time with his fans through Naver V
live this was after he completed his fan
meeting in Osaka Japan he showed a
cheerful mood for armies all over the
world it cannot make it to the fan
meeting even though he might have been
tired from the prior event the live
broadcast was proceeding well armed was
talking about how he was getting along
these days and the conversations with
his fans were happy however at this
moment a fan asks a question to our n
then arm said something that surprised
many fans what happened in this feel
life that day what are your most recent
interest these days this question I am
answered it is arts all I read these
days are the books on arts I kind of dig
deep on what I once find interesting
recently he visited the tom찼s Saraceno
exhibition at the Galerie Hyundai and he
recommended fans to not miss out the
experience after that a fan asked him
when tips not to shake on stage since
he's going on a stage for the school
I am answered with a smile I also had
many stages back in school so I do have
the tips confidence is the key to school
festivals the more you really want to
burn the stage the more friends will
yell cheers if you think you can
completely rule the stage on your own
that would be the spirit in these happy
mood of conversations our emcee is a
comment by a fan I am so sad I lost my
air pods a day after I bought it arm was
excited to see a fan who could relate to
him since he said that he's now at the
verge of feeling nothing when losing air
pots he said that his current air pods
are about his 34th a fan asked the gain
in astonishment and he replied
thirty-third making fans burst in
laughter in arms bluetooth connection
list of his phone all his lost airports
are listed in order on this day he asked
how are you doing all my lost airports
giving laughter to the fans in reality
despite his calm and precise
personality he loses things very often
why our M has a habit of putting
anything and everything in his pocket
and pouring it all out at once when
looking for something also he forgets
things he leaves on places to fans once
said are you juggling with your airports
that's why you keep and losing them well
people don't really change
he bought a self-improvement book to fix
this bad habit but then he had lost the
book itself he even once lost his
passport on the plane and was told to
wear it around his neck by the members
smart but somehow a little sloppy he has
earned nicknames of breaking monster and
monster lost anyhow a person must not be
just too perfect these unexpected charms
seem to make our em even more lovelier
but I still hope that he pays a little
more attention and not by his 35th air

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