K-pop issue What are BTS’ 2020 New Goals? Happy New Year Message in New York! > K-POP issue

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K-pop issue | What are BTS’ 2020 New Goals? Happy New Year Message in New York!


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BTS members welcome 2020 with our me on
Naver V live and delivered the message
along with their new goals Chun Kuk said
the not being sick is his most basic
goal he mentioned that since he was not
able to take care of himself due to his
busy schedule last year he would be able
to give his best in stages and making
songs only with good health also he
wished that this would be a year of
musical growth saying that he always
wanted to release a mixtape since last
year he said that says this did not turn
out well he would like to release the
mixtape in 2020 despite all the record
is finished it's taking him long to
finish because there are a lot of
revising to do as this is an individual
song for himself he also mentioned that
he will learn how to play the guitar
because learning the piano was too
difficult for him to this the members
especially chin and Suga showed their
doubts he stressed about studying
English saying that since this is very
difficult and long-term goal
he'll be taking this goal with him for a
long period tail also showed his
ambitions for music he wished to receive
piano lessons even if he had to make
time for it since learning the violin
was taking so much more time than he
expected the most notable thing was that
taehyung said he'll be looking hard for
things that could heal his mind himself
it seems that he'll be thinking about
ways to rest peacefully after
experiencing last year's busy schedules
and events then suga and chin asked him
to go fishing with them and he answered
shall I showing contemplation can we see
the three of them Suga Jin and tail go
fishing together next time
Jimin startled the members and fans by
saying that he wants to lose weight in
the upcoming new year nam jin shaking
his head beside chi minh said that he
wouldn't be able to withstand being
thinner than he is now however Jimin
said that he'll be only losing weight at
an adequate degree not like last and
healthy diet he went through when he
only had one meal in ten days also he
wanted to practice more dancing so he
could be of more help to the team the
members and fans all reacted the same
how could he possibly be the better
dancer than he already is these were the
new year's goals that reflected jimin's
perfectionist personalities nam jin said
that he will work out harder than last
year already he's working out five times
a week but he wishes to do more to have
a body like chongo also the members
exclaimed that his next goal of reading
more books whenever he can especially
chin hazard and wonder asking how it
could be doing so when he's already
sleepy only by reading the author's name
of a book nam Jin seems to prioritize
taking care of his body and mind for the
upcoming New Year who's all also
mentioned about health just as jungle
can lamented he mentioned that as he's
starting to age it's becoming more
important to take care of his health
thus he said that he wants to be more
beautiful through taking special care of
himself also he wants to try making a
calm song for his first time since this
is his next career goal Army's can wait
and join 4G hopes next transformation
unity showed string desires for studying
English as it seems suga has failed to
achieve this goal last year due to his
busy schedules
he's willing to study hard to master
English this year already we're looking
forward to seeing you having an
interview in English at the awards also
this year he wants to increase the
amount of work including releasing his
mixtape to at last the eldest Suk Jin
seems to be very cautious about his age
now reaching taursus 30s his new year's
goal is to live young and act charming
members made fun of him saying that in
order for him to be cuter than now he
would have to travel back to his infancy
however Jin expressed worries that as he
gets older
everything seems tiresome and that he
even tends to speak less than the forum
last year he wanted to learn how to play
the piano but he couldn't do so due to
the lack of time he concluded by
forecasting a war with the manager
saying that he will receive those piano
lessons by fighting with the agency for
more days off listening to all the
members new year goals there were common
factors one was taking care of their
health through self-management and the
other was pursuing musical development
since BTS had to go through the busy
schedules out of all global artists it
seems that they have felt it's necessary
to reinforce these two things in your
opinion which member do you think will
succeed in achieving his goal and which
member cannot also what are your goals
for 2020


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