K-pop issue BTS Taehyung Caused Fanwar of ARMY & SHINee World? Calm Down People! > K-POP issue

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K-pop issue | BTS Taehyung Caused Fanwar of ARMY & SHINee World? Calm Down People!


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K-pop issue님의 K-POP issue강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


on Friday December 27th when KBS's
earrin kpop festival was almost finished
BTS town seemed to blame himself because
he wasn't satisfied with his performance
Army's all over the world started to
worry about him and decided to spread
the hashtag you did well town on Twitter
with the hashtag movement and town's
birthday on December 30th coming
together town's name and his song winter
bears suddenly ranked first in real-time
search words on several Korean portal
sites as army delivered the message of
encouragement and support to town
unexpected arguments began Chinese fan
club shower was blaming Army's actions
this fight became more and more severe
and out of control
what made shower is obsessed so much and
how can we prevent the endless fan war
between k-pop anthems
this is how the case began as Army
started to spread the hashtag to
encourage town Chinese fans began to
express their anger it was because the
tag you did well was used for Chinese
chun-yan when he passed away on December
2017 it's still in use today like when
the two-year anniversary occurred
earlier last month some extreme fans
continued to blame the accusations
against the disease for continued use of
the tag army was embarrassed by these
unexpected reactions of course most of
the Army's had no intention of
disrespecting chun-yin and did not even
know if there was such a tag as
criticism grew more and more some armies
also began to react violently the fight
grew bigger and worse and finally it had
to be stomped by the fandom officials
and both sides time has passed and it's
now somewhat relieved why did these kind
of fan warriors keep on happening kpop
fans especially idol fandoms have valued
a sense of solidarity and belonging to
their favorite singers since long ago
fans shared items such as light sticks
clothes colored balloons and
catchphrases to unite themselves and
differentiate with other fandoms this
incident was exactly the same thing when
Choi Hyun who fans loved so much left
for heaven fans have been using hashtag
you did well to commemorate him they
might have hoped the tag would be used
only for chung-yong some armies should
somehow understand a little about how
they would feel when their beloved
members getting forgotten but overall
it's true that kpop random culture is
too sensitive some diehard fans continue
to incite fan wars and don't even try to
make concessions and considerations
causing conflicts most of the rational
minded fans respect and cheer for other
singers too not trying to insist their
idols are better than the others
whenever the fan Wars happen the most
embarrassing person is the artists not
the fans of course this situation was
not caused by Te'o but some fans should
realize that it stay on who will be the
most concern and painful when this
happens I hope that more mature k-pop
fandom culture will be established in
the future

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